Saturday, February 22, 2014


Hi everyone. 

I sat down this afternoon to run our book list through the website that randomizes it and I realized that I have lost our book list.  Between last month's vote and this month's posting we have had some nasty computer problems here at our house, resulting in the loss of some items.  Our book list appears to be one of those items as I cannot find it saved anywhere.  I apologize for this.  As I have time I will try to go through past comments and fine those books that have been mentioned before but I would also like to ask all of you to start sending me suggestions as soon as possible, especially if you've mentioned it before, please send it again so I can begin to reconstruct our list. 

Due to the loss of the list I am going to postpone the voting for a week.  I am hoping to get some suggestions in that time that we can use for our April voting.  If I don't have any suggestions to pull from at that time I will pick two books from my list of want to reads and we can go from there. 

Again, I apologize for the loss of the list but seeing as some of those books had been on there for two years, maybe this is a great time to get some updated suggestions and fresh ideas on there.  Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The False Princess: Thoughts and Comments

Our Book for March

Our book for March will be Finding Emma by Steena Holmes.

If you have any book ideas for our list please let me know so they can be added. 

Voting for April will begin on Sunday, February 23rd and will continue through Saturday, March 1. 

Happy Reading.